How can I leave a review of your product or service?
Leave us a review online
When you place an order with To'ak Chocolate you will receive an automatic email invitation to leave a verified review. You can also see our existing reviews on the product detail page of each product or our Trustpilot page.
Have you experienced an issue or are you not happy with your product/experience?
From time to time we (or our fulfilment and delivery partners) make mistakes, afterall no one is perfect. What we can guarantee is that if a mistake was made with your order we will do our very best to resolve the matter for you satisfactorily. We ask that you follow these steps:
- If your product was damaged please take a photo and share it with us via the contact details below. We offer shipping protection for these rare cases.
- If your product never arrived or was stolen please contact us or file a claim with our complimentary shipping protection.
- If your product arrived by you simply weren't satisfied OR for any other reason, please reach out via the channels below and we will work with you on a satisfactory resolution.
We offer a satisfaction guarantee which you can view on our website or in this FAQ tool.
Phone, SMS/WhatsApp: +1 (805) 600-8625
Phone (Ecuador): +593 23227520
Email: [email protected]
Whatever the outcome we welcome you leaving a review on our Trustpilot page